(330) 836-7286
Senior Pastor
Pastor Gau graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, and later completed his STM studies there. He has served Immanuel Lutheran Church (Hoxie) and Grace Lutheran Church (Hill City) in Kansas, followed by campus ministry at Kansas State University in Manhattan and later as pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Newark, Ohio. Pastor Gau joined Fairlawn Lutheran in 2014.
Visitation Pastor
Pastor Kozak assists the Pastors with the visitation of our homebound members. He is the sole Pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in Akron, OH.
Administrative Assistant
Jessica Lewandowski has been married for 15 yrs and has 2 teenage boys. She has an Associate's Degree in Paralegal Services, homeschools her boys and is an active member of Fairlawn Lutheran Church. Her role requires an array of expertise and provides assistance with every aspect of church ministry through administrative care, coordination of events and support in various categories.
Organist and Choir Director
Gary Pinter came to Fairlawn Lutheran as Organist in 1967 and has served almost continuously since then. He has been serving as both Organist and Choir Director since 2002. Gary developed the Parish Arts Concert Series in 1999 as a music ministry to benefit the local community.
Communication Director
Bonnie Hershberger earned her Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Management from The University of Akron and her MBA from Miami University. She is responsible for church and school communication, advertising and promotion.
Director of Audio/Visual
Lisa Sears has been attending Fairlawn Lutheran since 1994 and has been in multiple church leadership positions. These positions have included; Sunday School ,VBS, Preschool teacher assistant, Women's Bible study leader, and the music programs such as bells, choir, band and AV.
3415 W. Market Street, Fairlawn, OH 44333
(330) 836-7286
(330) 864-7724
As a member congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Fairlawn Lutheran Church and School is an IRS registered 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity.